Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world

Our forests are much more than a source of lumber and pulp and it's time we acknowledge this. Today our knowledge of forestry demands that sustainable yield must include all biodiversity components. Forest professionals need to look beyond growth and yield when assessing forest resources. In the literature review called "Trees Forests and Water: Cool insights for a hot world" published in 2017 by group of international scientists is an eight-page report that explains what scientists around the world know today, specifically that:

  • Forests are intimately linked to rainfall and water availability.

  • Forests transport water locally and globally.

  • Forests cool locally regionally and globally.

  • Forests regulate water supplies.

  • Trees enhance soil infiltration and improve groundwater recharge.

  • Precipitation filtered through forested catchments deliver purified groundwater and surface water.

Given these findings we must re-evaluate our forest practices.